Tag: Coasters

  • Fall Faux Quilted Burlap Coasters

    Fall Faux Quilted Burlap Coasters

    Hi everyone! Tammy here with you today with a fun Fall themed burlap coaster set tutorial. I love when the leaves start turning Fall colors, it always makes me want to create fun Fall projects with rich colors. These coasters are the perfect project to add a little Fall decor in your home. Here is…

  • Gel Press Stamped Resin Coaster

    Gel Press Stamped Resin Coaster

    Today we are Blog Hopping with ETI Resin and Gel Press!  I am going to share how to create a Gel Press Stamped Resin Coaster.  The plus side is that it is a Faux Quilted design! You are going to love how easy this it to create! Here’s how to create it: Gather all of…

  • Ann Butler Designs – ETI Resin Blog Hop

    Ann Butler Designs – ETI Resin Blog Hop

    Welcome the the Ann Butler Designs – ETI Resin Blog Hop! The Creative Team has been busy creating projects using Ann Butler Designs and ETI products to create some great projects for you.  To get started I created… a Faux Quilted Resin Coaster.  Here’s how to create it: Choose a 2″ Triangle, two 1″ Triangles and…

  • Faux Quilted Stamped Coaster

    DIY Faux Quilted Stamped Coaster.  By now you all must know that I love using my stamp lines to do Faux Quilting…on almost any surface: Fabric, Paper, Wood, Canvases, etc…  Today I am going to show you how easy it is to make a… Faux Quilted Stamped Coaster! To get started you will need: Ann…

  • Ann Butler Designs Blog Hopping with ETI

    Welcome to the Ann Butler Designs/ETI Blog Hop I am sure you will find inspiration as you hop through to each blog!  My inspiration for this project came from a set of coasters I created… for the Summer issue of Bella Crafts Quarterly.  These coasters make a wonderful gift so I thought I would take…