One-of-a-Kind Flip Flops with Velcro® Brand

Create some One-of-a-Kind Flip Flops with Velcro® Brand Fasteners and Assorted Trims.

With this fun project, you are only limited by the trims you choose for these One-of-a-Kind Flip Flops.  Which by the way are changeable also…so very cool!

One-of-a-Kind Flip Flops with Velcro® Brand Fasteners
Grab some Velcro® Brand Sticky Back Adhesives, a pair of Flip Flops and some great trims….
One-of-a-Kind Flip Flops with Velcro® Brand Fasteners 1
Place the loop side onto the Flip Flop straps, be sure to use your Westcott Non Stick Scissors for ease in cutting the Velcro Brand Sticky Back Adhesive.
One-of-a-Kind Flip Flops with Velcro® Brand Fasteners 2
Place the hook side of the  Velcro® Brand Sticky Back Adhesives onto your trim ( I used the coin style here).
One-of-a-Kind Flip Flops with Velcro® Brand Fasteners 3
Then place onto loop side for a one-of-a-kind pair of flip flops!

Now let’s change them out….

One-of-a-Kind Flip Flops with Velcro® Brand Fasteners 4
with another trim…..
One-of-a-Kind Flip Flops with Velcro® Brand Fasteners 5
and another trim…..
Go on give it a try, you can have dozens of looks with one pair of Flip Flops…How cool is that!


6 responses to “One-of-a-Kind Flip Flops with Velcro® Brand”

  1. These are adorable!Love the fact that they are interchangeable.

  2. That is such a great idea! I love things that are multifunctional! My kids are going to love this project. Thanks, Ann!

  3. Oh I have some great trims here in my stash that I’ll have to use. Good idea!

    1. Ann Butler Avatar
      Ann Butler

      Thanks Frances!

  4. Ann Butler Avatar
    Ann Butler

    Thanks Ladies! They are super quick and easy to make and look great!

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