- Ann Butler Designs {Faux Quliting} Stamp sets – 2″ Diamonds & Plaid and 2″ Stripes. Dots. Hearts.
- Ann Butler Designs EZ De’s Clear Stamps – 2″ Checkered Woven Hearts.
- Colorbox Crafter’s® Ink by Ann Butler – full size ink pads in Tangelo, Lilac, Aquamarine, Sunshine, Berry and Limelight.
- Earth Safe Finishes by Ann Butler Designs – Iridescent Paints in Aquamarine.
- Smoothfoam – 2″ x 4″ x 8″ block.
- Americana paints by DecoArt in Desert Turquoise.
- Knife, Apple Corer, Graph Paper, Pencil, Ruler, Black Brush Marker, White Paint
Pen, Pink Letter Stickers to spell LOVE, Paint Brush, Test Tube, Acrylic Stamp
Block, Glue Stick
1.) Measure and cut 2″ from Smoothfoam block with serrated knife. Smooth rough edges by rubbing foam together. Remove. Section of the top of the Smoothfoam block with Apple corer. Paint with Desert Turquiose, let dry. Paint with Iridescents Aquamarine, let dry.
2.) Flip 2″ square clear stamp upside down and attach to acrylic block. Load with ink and stamp 6 solid squares, one in each color. Repeat to create another set of colored blocks, let dry. Stamp patterns on colored blocks with Night ink.
3.) Draw a heart on the colored blocks with black brush marker. Draw a rectangle inside the heart with black brush marker. Embellish with LOVE stickers and white paint pens lines and dots. Attach color blocks to back and front of Smoothfoam block.
4.) Insert test tube in hole at the top of the Smoothfoam block, fill with
flowers and ENJOY!
Thanks for stopping by -Beth
such a cool idea and great colors
Beth, lovely presentation, great showcasing of the stamps